Prestige Garden Railways

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Here’s the Announcement, I’ve been keeping quiet about for a bit – Prestige Garden Railways is merging with TrainLi, where I’ve been offered the position of taking over the Repairs, service and installs of digital decoders, this also includes running the parts department.

as part of that they are sending me to Zimo in Vienna, Austria  for some training and discussions about bringing more Zimo products to the United States.

For my existing customers, this transition will be seamless as possible while allowing me to offer more services and products. the weathering, painting, customization and building will presently stay under the Prestige banner.

Kristine and Sharon of Prestige Garden Railways, and hope to see you soon





Happy new year to everyone,  I’ve been busy working on a lot of new exciting changes.  through become part of the Marklin/LGB family

With that comes some changes to Prestige Garden Railways, one of those is that I’ll be migrating repair services under a larger company, while expanding and bringing Warranty repair services for Marklin/LGB to the United States.

This will eventually remove installations and repair services from under Prestige garden railways, to another known company. While keeping the customization such as painting and weathering under Prestige, While adding Sharon’s, custom buildings to prestige

What does this mean to existing customers?

  • Installs and repairs will still be done by me, but will be moved under a different name, I’ll be working with that company to expand their services. while adding my expertise and creativity. They are already authorized as one of the LGB specialist within the United States. This transition will be made as seamless as possible to existing customers, I’ll also be able to offer more conveniences and services for my existing customers.

Please note that while becoming an LGB specialist,  installs and repairs still include all G scale products, such as Bachmann, Aristocrat, Accucraft, and USA trains, I’ll be working with those companies along with loco hobby shops to build bridges and bring the best possible service to you for your G scale needs.

  • Weathering, and customization will remain separate as an independent artist.  but will expand to including buildings and custom model building. This may eventually be expanded upon and moved under the new company
  • I’m looking forward to add in limited quantities some pre-weathered cars and customized products.

This merger will provide us with more backing to help offer new innovative products.


Kristine and Sharon of Prestige Garden Railways, and hope to see you soon




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We are excited to announce, that not only am I recognized as an Authorized  Zimo Installer but a Dealer as well.




It’s an exciting time for us.

our goals for 2018 are simple, to bring this concept to a point where it can sustain both Sharon Van Nest and Kristine McNary

The name and concept originally called silver State models created about 10 years ago when the cooperative idea between Sharon and myself for crafting kits of buildings for garden railroads based upon American west architecture, with some fine scale details.

The models were being designed, to be easily assembled by the novice modeler and crafted out of durable plastics to survive the elements. we did create a couple of prototypes some of those are enjoying their life in unknown locations, while others live in our own railroad, known as the White Lighting Lumber Company.

Today, Kristine McNary appearing as a newcomer is working with Danial Smith Railroads  The Bay Area Garden Railroad Society.  along with some members thereof to expand. through installing advanced electronics for largescale model railways, while providing full service detailing and maintenance on the locomotives and rolling stock.

I specialize in bringing that extra dimension of magic to each model I work on


Our Goals:

Are to simply to expand ourselves to a point wherein we can fully support ourselves through providing back shop, electronics, and maintenance support of electronics surrounding model railroading while crafting our own buildings and associated structures in conjunction with Danial Smith Railroads, and any others that’ll work with us.

I’m an authorized Zimo installer and dealer and recognized and as a skilled installer and technician with TrainLi, Zimo, CVP, and Soundtraxx, and growing.